: O. Yuanying

MacBook Pro が正常にスリープしない

最近、MacBook Pro をリッドクローズドモードで使っているのですが、起動ディスクを外付けのFireWire 800 接続の HDD に変更してからスリープしないという問題が発生中。

[yuanying@Cocoon yuanying]$osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to sleep'


以下がその間のシステムログ (/var/log/system.log)。

Aug 21 14:39:42 Cocoon diskarbitrationd[61]: disk1s2    hfs      0F5E116C-ACEE-387A-A69C-26F496CDE418 Boot OSX                /Volumes/Boot OSX
Aug 21 14:39:43 Cocoon kextd[25]: kextcache reported a problem updating disk1s3
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 2147483648, partition base 0x8008000, maxio f000
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: hibernate image major 14, minor 6, blocksize 512, pollers 0
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: error 0xe00002bc opening hibernation file
Aug 21 14:40:29 Cocoon kernel[0]: IOPolledFileOpen(e00002bc)
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: System Sleep
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleep
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: System Wake
Aug 21 14:40:41 Cocoon kernel[0]: IOUSBWorkLoop::closeGate - interrupt Thread being held offIOUSBWorkLoop::closeGate - interrupt Thread being held off
Aug 21 14:40:43 Cocoon kernel[0]: AppleYukon2 - en0 link active, 100-Mbit, full duplex, symmetric flow control enabled port 0
Aug 21 14:40:44 Cocoon mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en0 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:021B:63FF:FE94:2771); delaying packets by 5 seconds
Aug 21 14:40:44 Cocoon mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en2 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Aug 21 14:40:44 Cocoon mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en3 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Aug 21 14:40:47 Cocoon launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[5835]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Aug 21 14:40:47 Cocoon configd[59]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Aug 21 14:40:47 Cocoon lookupd[5880]: lookupd (version 369.6) starting - Tue Aug 21 14:40:47 2007
Aug 21 14:40:50 Cocoon BatteryUpdater[5882]: Battery does not need the BatteryUpdate v 1.2 (0x2)
Aug 21 14:40:51 Cocoon launchd: Server 2f47 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[5880]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Aug 21 14:40:51 Cocoon configd[59]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
Aug 21 14:40:51 Cocoon lookupd[5885]: lookupd (version 369.6) starting - Tue Aug 21 14:40:51 2007
Aug 21 14:40:54 Cocoon mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en0 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Aug 21 14:40:54 Cocoon mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds

error 0xe00002bc opening hibernation fileってのも気になるけど、むしろIOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleepが原因の模様。

ぐぐってみるものの、「Mac: 謎のスリープ解除」という同じ症状の人が見つかるが、その人はあきらめた模様。






  • Bluetoothの設定の’検出を可能にする’チェックボックスをオフ
  • 'Bluetoothデバイスがスリープを解除することを許可'をオフ


  • Blutoothの電源:切




  • 'Ethernet ネットワーク管理者のアクセスによってスリープを解除'をオフ





I have set the Bluetooth to be off (and the Airport off as well), and am unsure of the log entries above. I think I have only had a similar situation (system wake at an odd time) once before. I did perform the Security update 2007004 (I think that's how it read this morning, albeit I was bit sleepy) early this morning before getting ready for work.

and the Airport off as well って、AirMacは関係ないだろ、オイオイ。とか思ったのですが念のため AirMac をオフにしてみたところスリープするようになりましたorz。
